Ok, so December 21 is fast approaching. You may or may not believe that the
world is going to end on December 21, 2012. And, even if you don't many people
believe that the US and quite possibly the whole world is headed for disaster
of some type, maybe not on December 21, 2012, but at some time in the future.
Many of people are preparing for this. Now, even if you don't believe that
something is going to happen, it never hurts to be prepared for a disaster.
Disasters don't have to happen to the whole world or the whole US, they can
happen to just your state or your city or town. Tornados, hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, and fires are just some examples of common disasters that
can affect your life and the life of your family. Look at the east coast right
now and what is happening there. People without power, without shelter, without
heat, without food, without drinking water, and without fuel. Point is disaster
can happen at any time. Whether you expect it or not.
Let's focus on the east coast right now. Look at what's happening to the
people there. There is a lot of chaos and these people had warning of the storm
that was going to hit. They were told that Hurricane Sandy was coming, they were
told that they should either evacuate or prepare for it. They were told to
prepare. Look at the people there today. It is quite obvious that most of the
people affected by this storm did not prepare or did not prepare adequately
What could these people have done to help themselves? Well here's a small
list of items that the average person should have on hand just in case a
disaster should by chance happen to them. Now this is not by any means a complete
list. This is just a beginning list.
or know of a safe place you can relocate too
Fire starting equipment, matches, lighter, wood,
newspaper, sticks, flint, magnifying glass, magnesium block fire starter,
Portable camp stove, sterno burner, portable gas
heater, generator, etc...
Candles and lanterns are also a source of heat
Propane, kerosene, or fuel for your lanterns,
stoves, and heaters
Make sure you have your fire starting equipment
stored in waterproof containers and in a safe dry place. It won't help you if
your matches are wet and won't strike.
Blankets! Make sure you have extra blankets or
sleeping bags to help you keep warm!
Extra flashlights and batteries!
Food & Water
Have at the very, very, very least a 3 day supply
(for each person) of food and water on hand! This might not be enough but it
will at least help you and your family get by until you can find more!
Dried fruit and vegetables are great to have for
emergency use
Oatmeal, powdered milk, powdered eggs are great
to have
Granola bars, energy bars, sports bars, cereal
bars, are also great to have around
Crackers, wafers, biscuits, are great to have around
Canned meats, summer sausage
Canned goods, can openers, pots and pans to cook
with, cups and plates to eat off of
Peanuts and other nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin
seeds, peanut butter
Water! Have at least 1 gallon of water on hand
for each person for three days if not more! Make sure this water is ready to
drink! It won't do you any good to have empty containers that are not already
filled! They need to be filled and ready to go!
If you have a child or an infant make sure you
have the food items you need for them (Formula, baby food, extra bottles, snack
Have at least a couple of days of clothing on
hand and ready to go. This will not only help you stay dry and warm, but it
will also help you stay clean.
Shirts (long sleeve and short sleeve)
Pants (long and short)
Underwear (long and short)
Rain jacket, slicker, or poncho
Extra pair of shoes
Either have on hand extra prescription drugs
that you are taking or have your prescriptions in a place you can get them
quickly if you have to go to another place to be safe. It is always preferable
to have extra on hand already packed and ready to go.
First aid kit! Bandages all sizes, antibiotic
ointment, painkillers, burn ointment, tape, scissors , icepacks, sting swabs,
alcohol swabs, peroxide, needles, tweezers, are all good to have.
Allergy medications, cough and cold medication,
Eye drops, bacterial wipes
Toiletry Items
Soap, detergent, toothpaste
Towels and washcloths
Shaving products, toothbrush, clippers, small
paper, paper towels, cotton balls,
Tampons or feminine napkins
If you have an infant make sure you have extra
diapers around!
Now, like I said above, this is not a complete list but this will at least
get you started and get you the main things you need to survive until help gets
to you. There is also one other consideration I should mention. If you have
pets make sure you have a safe place to leave them, or if you are taking them
with you, or keeping them with you, make sure you have the things they require
as well. They also need a supply of food and water.
I hope this helps you be at the very least a little better prepare. One
other note. Don't sit around and think someone else is going to do it for you.
You have to take your life and your survival in your own hands. It's your responsibility
to take care of yourself! Take responsibility for your own life! Others may not
be able to get to you quickly and help may not get there right away. You have
to be prepared!